Christmas Trees Riverside

Do you prefer the nobility of fir needles or the pine that has plenty of room decorations? There are many variants of Christmas trees. Choosing one that stands out according to your perception is essential in ensuring you enjoy the decoration. The final product should be a focal point, whether it is in the house or the garden.

The flock, scent, shape, and decorations of the tree are a few things that will highlight its stature. You can use Flock In A Box to decorate fake trees, pre-lit trees, garlands, and any other variation.

Real or artificial trees?

Real trees

Evergreen trees have been part of Christian and pagan celebrations for years. They are symbolic of living nature and represent a breath of life during the dreadful season of winter. The plastic tree is not a preferable pick when you still have an aspect of these traditions.

The real plant has a natural scent that will bring the outdoors to the house. It is also easy to customize and has more extensive variations of sizes and shapes. Real trees have different structural makeups, starting from the needles and the placement of branches. These trees are recyclable and therefore have a better environmental friendliness.

The common downside of real Christmas trees in Riverside are the high pricing and vulnerability to diseases and animals. Outdoor Christmas trees could turn into a mess overnight when animals devour its needles. Real trees require regular care and constant watering to prevent drying. It is crucial for one to dispose of the trees in time before they make a mess in the house. 

Fake trees

The environmentally astute individual will not find this option better than working with real trees. The materials used are not recyclable and will be a hazard when you dispose of the tree in a landmine. The good thing about them is that they can last forever. 

Fake trees are easy to transport because they come in pieces. They have a wide array of colors and a uniform tree shape. Artificial trees are for the sole purpose of holding Christmas decorations. The branches will hold ornaments well and take up as much flock as possible.

One does not have to throw the tree away after the season. You, however, have to find a way of cleaning the flock and storing the tree until thenext end-year festivities. 

Needle styles

Christmas trees have three main needle styles:

  • Spruce
  • Pine
  • Fir


This type of Christmas trees in Riverside has the most sumptuous shade of green. It holds its needles a bit longer than other trees and has a pricklier feel, making it risky to transport and decorate. It has more than 35 species.


This type is the most luxurious looking tree and has excellent needle retention. The thin branch spread makes it perfect for small spaces or corporate buildings that need minimal decorations.


The tree has long branches, which can support bulky decorations. They are the most common Christmas trees because of their widespread availability all over the world. The evergreen quality makes them convenient for long-term decoration that goes past the New Year’s week.